Atelier 20th Anniversary Title An Atelier town built together with legendary alchemists. This title aims to combine the “slice-of-life” atmosphere of living in a town and collaborating with various characters and the exaltation that comes from successfully governing a town and expanding your world. This title is designed to represent a new milestone in the evolution of the “Atelier” series, marking their 20th anniversary, and its theme is: Town-management Simulation x RPG. We aim to provide our fans with an entirely new “Atelier” experience, while also inviting back many popular characters of past titles. [Early Purchase Bonus] ・First-press Bonus Season Pass “Town Building 5-Item Set” Currently planned to be included: Gust 25th Anniversary BGM Pack 1 Gust 25th Anniversary BGM Pack 2 Additional Resident “Gust-chan” Atelier 20th Anniversary Appreciation House Mysterious Alchemist Statue
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